
Empowering 50 million women and children in tech by 2030! Join us by donating now

A Safe Space for African Dreams

to Bloom into Innovation.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We teach women, girls and children how to use technology to make their lives better. 501(c)(3) simply means that we exist for charitable purposes.

Think of a Seed, Planted in the Fertile Soil of Yaoundé, Cameroon

This seed, cared for with love and hard work, has become a big tree called the EmpowerHer Tech Foundation.

Our roots are strong in the idea that every woman and child deserves a chance to code their own destiny and improve the tech sector in Africa.

We are a light of hope in the tech space, leading women, girls and children to a future where they are not only consumers but creators of tech innovation.

Our History is Rooted in Resilence

Born in 2023, EmpowerHer Tech sprouted from a simple belief: that every woman, like a baobab tree, has the potential to reach for the sky.

Our founder, Mrs Mernsuh Laetitia Bomba, saw first-hand  that there was a huge GAP in the representation and empowerment of women in the tech industry, especially in Africa, where women face multiple barriers such as lack of access to education, training, mentorship, funding, and opportunities.

This wasn’t just a statistic; it was lost music, a chorus of silenced voices with the potential to change the world.

Laetitia, like the mighty baobab tree that graces the savanna, refused to bend. She did not let let the scorching sun, the dry wind, or the barren soil discourage her.

She gathered a team of passionate tech gurus, educators, and changemakers, and together, they planted a seed and birth EmpoweHer Tech Foundation from the dust.

Our Impact is the Proof of our Determination.

In just a few months, our impact is evident in the lives of the women and children we serve.

 Since our inception, we have achieved remarkable results… 

We have trained over 1000 kids in six cities across Cameroon, and helped them create amazing projects like robotic cars, smart houses, traffic lights, and more.

We have also trained all the female Staff at the Directorate General of Budget, Ministry of Finance (MINFI) on Digital Transformation, Cybersecurity, Parental Control, and Child Online Safety.

Our Vision: A Glimpse into the Future.

Our VISION is to transform Africa into a hub of innovation and excellence by empowering women and children in STEM education.

We want to create a future where African women and children are leaders, creators, and problem-solvers in the tech sector, contributing to the social and economic development of their communities and countries.

We believe that by empowering women and girls in STEM fields, we are empowering Africa as a whole. 

We believe that technology can be a force for good, for social change, for economic growth, for environmental protection.

We believe that women and children can be the drivers of this change, if they are given the opportunity and the resources.

We believe that this is our MISSION and VISION.


Our Mission

A Journey to the Future.

By 2030,
our MISSION is to… 


Teach tech skills to 50 million women and children.


Help 100,000 of them get tech jobs,


Help 10,000 women founders launch tech businesses .

We want to see a continent where innovation thrives in the hands of women, where girls code their dreams into reality, and where technology becomes a bridge to a brighter tomorrow.

Why Should You Work with us?

You should work with us because every woman and child deserve a chance to paint her own picture on the canvas of life. 

Working with us is like joining a family. We care for each other, we support each other, and we celebrate each other.

Imagine a world where only men have access to electricity, while women live in darkness, that would be unfair, inefficient, and wasteful, right?

 Well, that’s how it is right now with technology in Africa. Only a fraction of the population – men – have the opportunity to learn, create, and benefit from technology, while a larger fraction – women and children – are left behind.

If you work with us, you will help us ensure that no one is left behind in this journey towards transforming Africa into a hub of tech innovation

For Donors, Why Should You Support us?

Think of your donation as a seed. The seed grows into a plant that produces fruits and flowers, benefiting many people and animals. 

That’s the power of supporting EmpowerHer Tech Foundation. Your donation can create a positive impact, helping women, girls and children everywhere to thrive in the tech industry.

When you Partner with EmpowerHer Tech Foundation, you:

Invest in the future

You empower the next generation of tech leaders, innovators, and problem-solvers, driving positive change in Africa and beyond.

Break barriers

You contribute to closing the gender gap in tech, creating a more equitable and prosperous future for all.

Witness transformation

You see first-hand the impact of your investment, as women and children gain confidence, skills, and opportunities to flourish.

In summary

ETF wants to light up the whole continent with technology and empower every girl, woman and child to shine bright with their potential.

We also want to help women, girls and children who live in difficult situations, such as war zones, refugee camps, or remote villages.

We know that they face many barriers and risks, such as violence, discrimination, or lack of access to education and health care.

We want to reach out to them and offer them a chance to learn and grow with technology.

We want to make sure that…


Every woman and child in Africa has access to quality and affordable tech education, regardless of their background, location, or circumstance.


Every woman in tech in Africa has access to mentorship, coaching, and networking opportunities, that will help them grow and excel in their careers.


Every woman-led tech startup and innovation in Africa has access to funding, support, and exposure, that will help them scale and succeed in the market.